Friday, January 11

Its lonely journey towards eternity

You tead every step with more rigour and pace,its faster and more aggressive but it leads towards never ending journey of life.Every moment it calls for that extra effort to superced the rest in pursuit of ultimate bliss.But the ultimate bliss is nothing just loneliness,drudgery which leads to futile waste of life towards unattainable nirvana.Its really strange to find oneself cornered in self-centred world where these is nothing but distruction.Its really very lonely at this place where thoughts run in tandom to conquer the world which leads to self ruination.It calls for great thoughts what is salvation and self satisfaction ?Where does one want to reach..What is that things after attaining of it,one is ready to give away the world.
Give it a thought,haunt your mind because its just loneliness that we all have to live by

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