Tuesday, January 8

Year 2007-A thorn of Roses

Year 2007..It really took a long time to leave me.Its been one of the most difficult year so far in my life.Its taken away from me everything and given me none,its a year of shattered dream,hard and torcherous even, the thought of it still gives me those shivers which is hard to go by me.Its been full of remorse and self dejection.Nothing really went right but all around made sure that everything went wrong.The flavour of this hard year still exist till the first week of 2008 gving me no respite.But I have worked hard the entire last quarter to make sure that all wrong doing of the previous three quarters minimises.But still it eludes me,it goes in my books as dark 2007 where i have fallen into trap and repented.But repentense really took long and is sure to give me pains for my entire life.The tear of this period still brings tears into my eyes and I having a feeling umbrage by myself.My life has fallen into a pit and I am giving my best to come out of it..May God showers his blessings to make me back to what I want me to be..

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